PSD Ice Dive

Leadership – Direction – Support

The team at Ed’s Scuba can provide professional Scuba Diving information and direction for all your scuba diving needs.

Professional Services

We also provide professional Public Safety Diver (PSD) responses. From search and recovery to inspections.

Scuba Diving Equipment Sales and Service.

Fun Dive - Little Bear Lake

PADI DIVER TRAINING - Scuba Diving Saskatchewan and the World.

We provide PADI Scuba Diver training from Open Water Scuba Diver to Divemaster certifications. PADI training is transferable between instructors. For example if you don’t like cold water diving you can complete your classroom and pool portions here and then complete the open water dives with another PADI instructor anywhere in the world.

PADI training is flexible and adaptable to your schedule through on line eLearning, referrals and more.

  • Open Water Diver
    • Re-Activate – Certified Diver Refresher
  • Advanced Open Water Diver
  • Rescue Diver
  • Divemaster
  • Master Scuba Diver
  • Specialties
    • Ice Diver, Night Diver, Deep Diver, Dry Suit Diver, Enriched Air/Nitrox Diver, Search & Recovery Diver, Full Face Mask (FFM), Peak Performance Buoyancy Diver, Equipment Specialist and More…
Form Beginner to Technical/Advanced


We start by providing information to guide you on purchasing the equipment that best supports your needs. We can do this for first time divers to experienced technical divers. Our suppliers are first line dive equipment manufacturers.

PSD - Recovery


Providing Public Safety Diving (PSD) response and training. Our Team of PSD’s has decades of experience responding to search and recovery operations in Saskatchewan’s freshwater lakes, rivers, and water systems.

We also provide underwater inspection, installation, and repair services to freshwater intakes, water treatment systems, and more.

Little Bear Lake - Perch
Whiteswan - Trout Spawn
Ice Diver Training

Why We Love to Dive

We are divers from Saskatchewan with local and international experience. Yet, we enjoy our local dive spots. There is so munch to see and experience here in our local lakes and rivers.

As Cold Water Divers, we enjoy diving in Saskatchewan and see the multitude of different experiences that are available here. Our purpose is to support new and experienced divers in the diving adventurers here in Saskatchewan and the world so that they get the “Saskatchewan Dive Bug”.

It's All About the DIVE

Prince Albert Scuba Club

It's Time - Scuba Dive

Don't Wait - Call Now

PADI - Worldwide

PADI Instructors are available worldwide

Local Chatter

Various Discussions on Scuba Diving.

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